Spanish has played a significant role in my life, both here and abroad, since I began studying it in 8th grade at James Island Middle School. As such, I’ve decided to share my aptitude for Spanish by tutoring part-time while I grow Lowcountry Vistas. Through my organization, Charleston Spanish Tutor, I’m offering Spanish tutoring for students of all ages in all levels of grammar, reading, writing, and pronunciation. I travel wherever in the Charleston area is most convenient for the student.
As for my credentials, I’m an alumnus of the College of Charleston’s Hispanic Studies program (B.A. Spanish, 2001), the former publisher of Vida Latina Spanish-language newspaper, and the former owner of the boutique Hispanic marketing consultancy Publicaciones el Nuevo Sur, LLC.
If you or your child could use Spanish tutoring in the Charleston area, don’t hesitate to contact me. ¡Muchas gracias!
Seth Mason, Charleston